Tom Delay Has No Clue


Instead, DeLay told the crowd that as Republicans helped Americans find jobs and helped the country recover from the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, Democrats offered the country nothing.

"No ideas. No leadership. No agenda. And, just in the last week, we can now add to that list, no class,"

Tom Delay is the only person on the planet capable of bragging, exploiting 9/11, and attacking the democrats all in one breath. Not only that, he raised a quarter of a million dollars doing it.

Call it 'compensation' for the man who falls on the right-wing's sword so bush doesn't have to. A $250 a plate dinner honoring the dirtbag that changed the House rules on ethics before someone applied them to him or his republican collegues.

..honoring him for exploiting Terry Schiavo for all he could.

...honoring him for wanting the Supreme Court to answer to him.

It's a good thing they didn't wait too long, too. It'd be kinda hard, trying to honor a man sitting in jail in Texas.


PMex said...

This fool is an idiot, and he's not been ousted yet cause he's buttfucking Bush.....

Rob B. said...

Joe, you seem a little mad. Try to find your happy place.
As a republican, let me say that if you think Delay is innocent you are a fool. Likewise, if you think this isn't partisan politics and there are a number of Democratic members guilt of the same thing, you are a fool.

The questions is are the Dem's willing to take a few bullets bringing him down?

Grandes Cigarro said...

Oh Tom's got a clue. Lots of them. He knows that he's done nothin Dems and other Reps don't do every year. Junkets are commonplace.

He's just survived the witch hunt and it's good to see him still standing and generating more revenue for the Evil Karl Rove Machinations Force (EKRMF).