Deep Sixing Deep Throat

Well it looks like the big story these days is about Deep Throat/Mark Felt, so I might as well toss my two cents in.

I'll start with a question:

What does Pat Buchanan, G. Gordon Liddy, Ben Stein and Bob Novak, all have in common?


They're all Fascists

Add to that list Donald Rumsfeld, and you've got a real who's who in the history of the American Dirtbag. Or even, five perfect examples that shit floats.

So it's no surprize that they've all crawled out from under their respective rocks to attack the messenger that guaranteed that an asterix will appear next to their names in the history books for many, many years to come.

'Is deepthroat a hero or traitor?' is the media's favorite question of the day. I've heard it dozens of times this week....

It's like whining about Kato Kaylan...

...When we all know OJ did it!!!!!!!!

And then there's Ben Stein. Ben Stein wrote this article, in which he asks:

Can anyone even remember now what Nixon did that was so terrible? He ended the war in Vietnam, brought home the POW's, ended the war in the Mideast, opened relations with China, started the first nuclear weapons reduction treaty, saved Eretz Israel's life, started the Environmental Protection Administration. Does anyone remember what he did that was bad?

Why yes, Ben. We Do!
...and the Vietnamese people ended the war in Vietnam, when they kicked America's ass you pretentious son of a bitch!

Why is the media giving an outlet to these criminals? Why do they think their opinions matter?

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